Over the years of working with companies who love our field management software solution we have been asked many questions and the same ones seem to crop up a lot. For that reason, we have compiled a list of these FAQ’s along with comprehensive answers to help you out. We hope you find what you’re looking for below but if not please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Yes we currently have an app for devices running either the Android or the Apple operating system. Both Apps are free to download from the respective app stores.

As long as the user’s device (phone or tablet) is running either the Apple or the Android operating system, has a touch screen, and an internet connection, then the Mobile Jobsheet system should run fine. NB: please see the latest version requirements on the respective Apple and Google App stores for exact device operating system version required.

The system is very flexible and works as well with just a single mobile user as it does with multiple users e.g. 10, 20, 30 etc. Each mobile user is assigned their own login for their device so uploading and downloading jobs is very straight forward.
Additional mobile users or management users can also be added to your account at any time. 

Internet access will only be required during synchronisation to download and upload the jobs assigned to them. Apart from this the Android / Apple Apps work completely offline meaning if there is no internet access the mobile user can still fill-in all their notes, take pictures and obtain customer signature etc. 

The Management Web Portal is designed specifically for office managers/administrators to view, start, track and manage all jobs and also manage the account configuration. When you log-in you will see a complete list of all jobs for each customer where you can make changes, and start any new jobs.

We have a dedicated UK support team who are always on hand to help you. During normal business hours, requests for support are typically responded to within an hour (if not immediately wherever possible). We also realise that businesses work beyond the normal 9-5, Mon-Fri and we therefore operate a ‘rota system’ to ensure we can respond at weekends and evenings on a best effort basis when necessary.

Yes, you can. Once the mobile user sends the job back a PDF job sheet is created in the Management Web Portal. From the Web Portal you can then view, edit, and recreate the job sheet. You can make changes to all sections like the work completed, time on the job, the parts used or maybe add an extra note that the mobile user forgot to put on.

Yes, we are more than happy to design a job sheet template to match your current style and your first template is always designed free of charge when you sign up.

Yes, we can add questions for each work type e.g. a check list, or maintenance list. We can include mandatory questions, yes/no questions, multi-choice, or text entry. You can also have multiple job sheets to match different job types and/or different customers.

Each main customer can have multiple job sites assigned to them. Just set up the main customer details and then add a new site when creating the job or add them all at once in the site database. You are then able to add additional information specific to each individual site which the mobile user may need e.g. photos, instructions, access details, plans of the site etc.

With our image upload facility, the mobile operative can take photos while on site and upload them with the job. The admin can also add images and PDF documents to individual jobs and also to specific sites. Images just need to be in .jpg format and documents need to be .pdf. Photos taken during the job will be available stored against the job on the Management Portal and can also be merged into the job sheet / worksheet.

Yes, you can create one or multiple quotes associated with each job. Each quote can add parts from the parts database and can add any preset labour rates and hours as required. When a quote is created the status of the quote will automatically be set to “Pending”. Each quote’s status can be changed to Won/Lost/Pending which allows you to keep tabs on any quotes that need to be followed up on.

Yes, you can create one or multiple invoices associated with each job. Each invoice can include either parts already added from the quote, the mobile user, or new items can be added from the parts database. Labour works in a similar way taken from the quote, the mobile user report or new labour time can be added.

Yes, new jobs can be started using the App by the mobile user in the field as well as by the office using the Management Web Portal.

The actual job data being downloaded and uploaded is very small, with most of the heavy work being done by the Web Portal. However, if you are uploading a lot of images then this does need to be taken into account when considering data usage requirements.

Yes, each ‘work type’ can be associated with a different template design and logo if needed.

Yes, we provide an image and document store that can be shared between the office management log-in and the mobile user. Either the manager or the mobile user can upload images and PDF documents and these can be viewed on either device.

The mobile user has access to a text box where they can note down any parts they have used before uploading the job back to the Management Portal.

Once you have decided to start using Mobile Jobsheet we can have your account set up within a few hours of you paying the first payment and completing the Direct Debit form for future monthly payments. The bespoke template to match your job sheet may take a little longer depending on its complexity but will be uploaded to your system shortly after your approval. We are also happy to import your customer and parts lists to get you up and running.

We want you to be sure our system will be the right choice for you and therefore we have the free trial and/or a web demonstration.
You can use the free trial in real time, with real data to see how it feels. We also know that busy lives mean that sometimes you don’t get the time in the day to try it out as much as you would like and so we are always happy to extend the trial for you so that you can be sure you are happy with the system. Just give us a call on 0117 303 5183 or email us at
[email protected] .

Yes, you can. If you have just one admin in the office then you will probably want to give this person full access to the system, but on the other hand if you have several office staff it may be useful to control who does what. Access to the Management Portal is split into six levels with level one only allowing jobs in progress to be viewed, up to level six which allows advanced reports to be produced. When setting up your admins you will be able to see what is allowed at each level and then choose which level to set, and if later you want to change this it is very easy to go into the configuration panel on the Management Portal and adjust the settings.

There is no long contract period, it just runs month to month. We feel that once you start using the system you will be pleased with how it improves the running of your business.

Yes, if you have a list in a format such as .xls or .csv etc. we can upload it into your Mobile Jobsheet account.

On a new job or an existing job you can set/change the day and time that the job is scheduled for and who you are giving the job to. Once the job is saved it will automatically be entered into the weekly planner, which you can view via the calendar view page. This, as it says, is a calendar view listing all the mobile users and the jobs assigned to them. It’s also possible to make some changes to the jobs from this page e.g. moving to a different mobile user or to a different day/time.

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