Man Signing

How Digital Signature Capturing Ensures A Smoother Workflow

For any small business, anything that saves time and money while improving efficiency is wise. This is especially true when it comes to dealing with paperwork; no one wants piles of documents filling up a small office. It’s no wonder we’re all looking to go paperless wherever possible these days. Not only is this better for the environment, but it’s also often a quicker and more secure way of keeping records and processing jobs and getting paid. But what happens when you need work to be signed off? Fear not, as digital signature capturing is becoming more widespread, meaning you can have documents electronically signed quickly and show proof of job completion.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at the benefits of digital signature capturing, and how it can help ensure a smoother workflow for your small business.

What is digital signature capturing?

If you’ve ever scribbled on a delivery driver’s tablet with your finger, you’ve digitally signed to receive something. While this may be the only experience you’ve had of digital signature capturing, it shows just how broad its application can be.

Everything from job sign-offs to legal documents such as title registers for property purchases can now be done digitally. In this more globally connected world we live in, it makes sense to provide customers with a way to sign agreements from wherever is most convenient for them. Businesses relying on paper and ink will find themselves lacking the crucial efficiency needed to be competitive. Luckily, this is where the small business can capitalise, as there are now simple ways to implement signature capturing.

Where can signature capturing be used?

There are a wealth of small businesses that could utilise signature capturing to streamline their businesses, including:

  • Mobile mechanics – If you’re working in the auto repair industry, signature capturing can streamline your paper trail. Not only can you easily gain authorisation for extra work by simply calling a customer and sending them a form, but you can also easily grab a signature roadside on a tablet or phone, authorising the recovery of a stranded vehicle. 
  • Construction and Maintenance – Running a plumbing, handyman or decorating business can be tricky. You often have little time to complete paperwork, so being able to do it digitally is very useful. Whether you are keeping track of various workers under your business or you are a sole trader, digital signatures are useful to ensure everything is above board.
  • Restaurants and Catering – Whether you are servicing and maintaining restaurant kitchen equipment or delivering new catering supply products to caterers, obtaining a digital signature confirms all is completed to the customers satisfaction.

Added benefits

These are just a few examples of the types of business that could benefit from signature capturing. But what are the additional benefits to doing so?

By getting rid of the need to print, post or wait for documents to be returned, you’ll have more time to focus on other important jobs. You’ll also save on ink, paper postage and storage of documents.

You will also improve the speed and proof of the work being done by mobile staff.

Finally, in an age where all businesses are looking to be more sustainable, digital signature capture can help improve your environmental footprint. 
For more information on this tool, visit Mobile Jobsheet today!

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